Landing Pad

Bridge too far?

wooden bridge leading to barren landscape

I've no idea why you've ended up landing here. Maybe I sent you to this site, maybe your browser was unlucky enough to bring me up on your search, or maybe you came across a link in my other sites, or sites that I (sometimes) maintain. Either way, this is much ado about nothing in particular. You'll find mostly sort of bloggy type stuff here or musings on whatever is hitting my personal life. 

Normally I write this kind of stuff late at night when I'm probably getting close to sleeping, so much of what I write is going to meander around all over the place - a bit like this page. 

Although I started blogging as part of a course requirement (H800, specific blog post for this), I found I had a bit of a tap turned on that I couldn't turn off quickly enough before a number of other blogs also popped up. Please restrict yourself to the blogs (if any) that are of your personal interest.

Thanks for visiting all the same.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.